They've been best friends since they were kids and hang out together all the time - and so do their parents as well. Whether they're saving the world together, or just saving each other's lives from whatever's been conjured up into town this week, these guys always seem to have each other's backs. Like his friends, Kyle loves coming up with alter-egos with detailed and complicated backstories to support role-playing games.
It eventually becomes clear that Kyle doesn't share her feelings, as when he, Stan, Wendy and Bebe play Truth or Dare in Stan's clubhouse, Wendy dares Kyle to kiss Bebe on the lips, and when she does, Kyle expresses fear and shock and flees from the clubhouse. Bebe ultimately decided that she couldn't take the co-dependency of a relationship, and purported to "break up" with a mostly apathetic Kyle. In "You're Getting Old", Stan's behavior change upon turning 10 causes a rift to develop occurs in his friendships with Kyle, Cartman and Kenny to the point where they no longer wish to interact with him. As a result, at the episode's end with Cartman and Kyle playing video games together, the pair offer each other kind smiles, showing their friendship growing even further.
Other Friends
In the episode "Imaginationland", Cartman wins a bet with Kyle which requires Kyle to suck his balls, and goes to various extreme measures throughout the Imaginationland trilogy to make Kyle do so, including going to the Supreme Court and breaking into the Pentagon (twice). In the end of the trilogy's first part, Cartman is seen with a photo of an innocent looking Kyle. The scene ends with Cartman dragging his finger slowly across Kyle's mouth in the photo, which could be interpreted as an act of lust, this further hints at a confused sexuality. At the end of the trilogy's third part, Cartman conjures up an imaginary Kyle to suck the balls of an imaginary Cartman. In Weight Gain 4000, Kyle insulted Cartman for being a fatass as Cartman became fatter than ever.
Current No Hat Kyle
His conflict with Cartman has become increasingly intense and is now a major focal point of the show. They are the closest out of the four boys, and they are generally seen together on the show, standing next to each other as well as sitting together on the school bus. Kyle shares an affinity with Stan in many ways (particularly early in the show, when there were fewer distinctions to be drawn between their personalities), and they genuinely care about each other. They almost always side together on the many issues they encounter, mainly when it is Cartman who is opposing them. This is frequently manifested when there is a conflict between Kyle and Cartman, and Stan offers support to Kyle by siding with him. In "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000", Kyle begins to question reality once he discovers the Tooth Fairy is not real.
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Season 19
Kyle reprimands Cartman for this, saying that “Heidi is a nice girl”, and tells him that he should just break up with her instead of creating horrible schemes to get rid of her, adding that she didn’t deserve to be treated so badly. Kyle is often put in the shoes of the protagonist to Eric Cartman's antagonist. For example, in "Cartoon Wars Part I", the two of them work against each other; when Cartman tries to get Family Guy canceled, Kyle tries to stop him.
Alter Egos From Season Fourteen
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'South Park' Celebrity Feuds: These Stars Were Offended by the Show.
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It eventually becomes clear that Kyle does not share her feelings, as when he, Stan, Wendy and Bebe play Truth or Dare in Stan's clubhouse, Wendy dares Kyle to kiss Bebe on the lips, and when she does, Kyle expresses fear and shock and flees from the clubhouse. Bebe ultimately decided that she could not take the co-dependency of a relationship, and purported to "break up" with a mostly apathetic Kyle. At one point Stan's dad Randy Marsh even told him that they should not hang out too much together or else people would start to think "they are 'funny'" (i.e. homosexual). He has also represented townspeople at times, including Chef's case involving copyright infringement in "Chef Aid". In early episodes the Broflovski's appear to be more affluent than much of the population in South Park, but decidedly less so than the Black family. In "The List", Kyle was voted the ugliest boy in class out of the 16 students attending the class.
And although his friendship with Kenny is not as noticeable when Stan or Cartman are around, when the two are alone together they have been known to be quite friendly towards each other. Kyle promptly beats up Cartman in defense of Kenny's honor and memory following one of his "permanent" deaths in "Kenny Dies". He invited Kenny to Jew scouts in "Jewbilee", and in "The Ring" comforted Kenny before leaving to confront Disney about the purity rings, one of which was slowly turning Kenny into a boring douche. While all four boys have been through adventures over the years and share similar goals of wealth and popularity, there is no weaker link between the four than the often intense heated rivalry between Kyle and Cartman.
Since they are unable to find a donor and Sheila is worried about the risks of having Kyle undergo surgery, Sharon suggests to Sheila that she try New Age healing to cure Kyle. The whole town becomes enamored with her remedies and buys such nostrums as "Cherokee hair tampons" from two supposed Native Americans (played by Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong) who share her store. Before long, everyone is so hooked on "holistic medicine" that Miss Information can get away with selling coat hangers as "dream catchers" for very high prices. Underneath his hat, he has red hair, much like his mom's in Spanish culture Jews such as Judas Iscariot were depicted with red hair. His hair is a nod to Matt Stone's (his creator) old hairstyle, as well as his character in "Cannibal! The Musical". Kyle becomes sick more often than any of the other boys (excluding Kenny if his frequent dying can be considered a health issue).

Kyle is one of the leaders of the male student population, along with Cartman, Kenny, and most notably Stan. He gets along with most characters, although his temper sometimes alienates children. He is shown to not have a great relationship with girls, finding it gross when Bebe Stevens had arranged for Wendy Testaburger to have her kiss Kyle in Stan's clubhouse in "Clubhouses". Although, it is seen he is somewhat friendly with Wendy, often talking with her in background scenes.
His costume is hand-made, constructed out of paper cones meant to resemble spikes. After the senior citizens of South Park take over the town, the boys try to disguise themselves as "black people" in order to scare them off, wearing all black clothes and black face paint. After The Boys steal a group of Baby Cows from Bill Denkins' farm upon discovering that veal is made from baby cows, they lock themselves and the Baby Cows in Stan's bedroom in order to protect the cows from being killed. Kyle can later be seen wearing a white shirt with the words "Keep Truckin'" written on it with an image of a red monster truck.
Kyle, Ike, Stan, and Cartman are seen taking karate classes in this episode before a drunken Randy embarrasses Stan, kicking off the events of the episode. Cartman writes a Christmas story for class about Satanic Woodland Critters who give birth to the Anti-Christ. In the story, The Woodland Critters need a host who is non-baptized and non-Christian, so they kidnap Kyle to serve this purpose.
Cartman is more than happy to take advantage of this side of Kyle's personality. Though in the first seasons it was said his personality was too similar to his best friend Stan’s, you can see through the seasons he really has quite a different personality. To take advantage of all of CharacTour’s features, you need your own personalaccount.
In the episode "Whale Whores," Kyle is shown playing guitar in Rock Band for the song Poker Face. The only time Kyle ever showed any interest in Bebe was when she began developing breasts in the episode, "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society," although every other boy in the class shared the sudden interest. He is the first one to realize an unusually attractive difference in Bebe (although he can't figure out what exactly it is). At the end, Kyle and all of the other boys realized that they were attracted to Bebe's breasts, and decided they should not be influenced by them. Though rare, they have had serious disagreements and even "broken up" six times (in the episodes "Prehistoric Ice Man," "Douche and Turd," "Super Best Friends," "South Park is Gay!," "Follow that Egg!" and "Guitar Queer-o"), but they have always reconciled in the end.
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